For appraisals of residntial properties in Pennsylvania contact Orlasky Appraisal Service at 814-282-0528

Why choose a company like Orlasky Appraisal Service that embraces mobile technology?

Urgently need an appraisal? We've adopted mobile technology because we know the public wants their services to be performed using the latest gadgets available. Using the most up-to-date devices allows Orlasky Appraisal Service to perform jobs more efficiently and accurately than ever before.

Traditional appraising involves going to the location and gathering massive amounts of data including an accurate sketch using paper, pen, tape measure, and clipboard. From there, you still have to manually input that data into the computer at your office, which can lead to errors. Many appraisers still use this error-prone, time-consuming method today.

Since all of our data is entered on an easy-to-use mobile device, we simply sync it to the cloud and pull down the data into the computers back at the office. This is a streamlined process, giving us more time to concentrate on analysis and less on data entry. Ultimately it cuts down on the time it takes to get the report delivered to you.

When you need a quick and accurate appraisal near Conneaut Lake, call us today at 814-282-0528.

Cloud technology helps to make our appraisals more accurate too. We have constant access to our data through our devices, and mobile appraising apps make sure we don't miss a step. And, with the use of a laser measurer, we've replaced our tape measure for more trustworthy sketches.

As a bonus, we're always ready to answer questions when you call or e-mail us. Mobile appraising makes us much more efficient, giving us with the files and data we need at all times so we can concentrate on appraising.